Frequently Asked Questions


You are eligible for Charleston Legal Access’ services if your income is between:

-  $18,825 - $60,240 for an individual

-  $25,550 - $81,760 for a family of two

-  $32,275 - $103,280 for a family of three

- $39,000 - $124,800 for a family of four


We charge rates between $50 and $100 per hour, and initial retainer fees are between $500 and $1000 per case. Contact us for a free quote based on your verified gross annual income.


When you contact Charleston Legal Access through the website or by calling, our intake manager will contact you (normally within 48 hours) for an initial screening conversation with you to assess whether you are eligible for our services (in other words, that you have a decent argument and we think our assistance will be effective, that you fit our income guidelines, and that there is a public interest in our representing you).

After the initial call, Charleston Legal Access attorneys will discuss your case. If you are a good fit for our services, you will have the choice of consulting with a staff attorney over the phone for free or scheduling a flat fee, one-hour in-person consultation with an attorney at our office. He/she will review your case with you, confirm the hourly rate you would pay for our services and your retainer fee, and propose a plan of action on your case.

We do not charge for the screening and consultation calls, and you do not have to make a decision about hiring us the day you come in for an in-person consultation.

We will never pressure you to hire us, and we will not be offended if you don't! Like seeing a doctor, it is smart to consult an attorney when you first become aware of a problem, rather than waiting until your situation is dire and you have no other choice. We encourage all our clients to stay engaged and active in their cases and to be proactive in pursuing their rights. 

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